Wednesday 11 May 2011

Think Bike - please

I've just spent the afternoon on my bike and got snarled up in the hell that is Edinburgh's school run traffic - why don't car drivers like us motorcyclists?  I'm a parent, I was out shopping for new jeans, butter and loo roll - I don't remember deciding I didn't like you based on your choice of personal transport.  I'm just like you, just wetter and colder - pleased to meet you, the name's Ally - watch out for me and I'll watch out for you...


  1. Not all car drivers don't like bikers.

    As an ex-biker, I always pull over (and sometimes to the right hand side if I'm in the RH lane on a dual-carriageway / motorway).

    9 times out of 10 the biker signals (his) appreciation with raised hand / arm / leg to acknowledge the assistance.

    What I abhor, is in heavy traffic, the right-hand-lane driver who won't move aside to let the biker pass.

  2. Hi Joe, thanks for your comment and welcome to my space. Many good drovers are bike aware, and I always wave if they make alowances for bikes - glad to hear you're one of them! I think part of the problem with the school run is drivers are distracted by their kids or the task in hand - or that some are just not used to driving in heavy traffic, which of course they are responsible for. It is hard not to take it personally when you are so vulnerable though...

  3. Drovers - bloody typos he he
